
ALL GDST Schools Osmington Bay PGL
Nursery and Prep School, GDST

Year 6 residential trip

Our Year 6 pupils spent last week enjoying amazing activities at Osmington Bay in Dorset - and even got to meet pupils from our sister GDST schools from Sydenham, Northampton and Sutton!

Anderson shelter
Nursery and Prep School

Seeding the Anderson shelter

As weather conditions are now perfect for sowing a summer lawn, we decided to seed the Anderson shelter with grass, poppies and wild flowers.

Students writing
Senior School, STEM, Girls in STEM, Community

Gifted and Talented Conference 2022

We are thrilled to be welcoming 110 students from nine schools in Bath and a further six GDST schools on Wednesday 18 May for a ‘Gifted and Talented Conference’ for high achievers in Years 9, 10 & 12. The event will feature key-note speakers covering topics as wide ranging as plastic pollution to time-travel.

Y5 residential
Nursery and Prep School

Year 5 residential trip

On Monday the 25 of April, Year 5 set off for their residential trip to PGL where the pupils got an opportunity to take part in lots of outdoor activities away from their usual environment.

School Voices Choir
Senior School, Music

Royal High School Bath takes part in The Bath Festival’s Schools Voices project

Students from Royal High School Bath and local schools have been working with Bath Philharmonia’s Creative Learning team of musicians to write four original songs based on the theme of ‘Journey’.

Oxford academic scholars 2
Senior School

Academic scholars trip to Oxford

This month our academic scholars enjoyed a trip to Oxford, where they visited the Ashmolean Museum.

Joana overall exhibition
Boarding, Art

Highly commended in the BSA Supporting Excellence Awards 2022

We are proud to have been highly commended in two categories at the 2022 BSA Supporting Excellence Awards.

Y11 celebration
Senior School

Year 11 celebrate their achievements

Year 11 celebrated the end of their GCSE years and the start of their new chapter this week with a glamourous dinner followed by a sunny BBQ.

First International Students Committee
Sixth Form, Senior School, Boarding, Student Voice

First International Students Committee meeting

Students who have chosen to join the International Students Committee met for the first time today.