What we do

Each year, through the funds we raise, we're able to support the school by making donations that facilitate specialist resources and an incredible range of ‘icing on the cake’ equipment and opportunities to help enhance the girls' learning and development and to support their creative and sporting prowess. We also offer the Sixth Form students the opportunity to be considered for an Education Award. Each year this is awarded to applicants who are seeking support for a gap year project, initiative or endeavour that will further their career aspirations.
This is only possible thanks to the dedication of the parents and staff on the Friends Committee, and to all those who attend and support the events and activities provided by the Friends each year. Thank you so much to everyone who helps in any way they can.

Donations in 2021/2022
During the 2021-2022 academic year, the Friends donated over £10,000 of equipment and experiences: The Egg’s production of ‘Josephine’ coinciding with Black History Month - a Cricut Maker 3 for the Prep - branded gazebos for the Prep School - Terracycle glue stick recycling collection box - free weights and strength-based equipment for the Senior School’s gym - tarpaulin and ropes for the Prep’s Forest School - a periodic table display - photobooth for Year 11’s celebration dinner - Your Daughter talk speaker - marquee hire, DJ and mobile casino for Year 13 Leavers’ Ball - speakers for the Gifted and Talented Conference - cushions and sofa for The Hive wellbeing space – Prep and Senior School Easter Egg hunts - Education Awards to girls in the Sixth Form

Donations in 2020/2021
During the 2020/21 academic year, the Friends donated in the region of £17,000 of equipment and experiences: iPads for DT Department - speakers for the Aspire Gifted and Talented Conference - guest speaker Emma Rosen for Picturing Your Pathway, Sixth Form Careers Conference - outdoor bench tables for year group bubbles - funding towards Bee Hives at SS and the establishment of the Bee Club - compost tumblers for the Prep and Senior Schools - Fuss Ball table for the Sixth Form Café - Peer Project training from the Mental Health Foundation for Year 12 - smoke machine for Drama and Dance Departments - quiet fireworks for the Year 13 Ball - interval snacks and drinks for the Peter Pan School Production - House gazebos - hanging mics for Drama Department - climbing equipment for the new Climbing Club - board games for the Prep School.
Donations in 2019/2020
In the 2019/20 academic year, the Friends donated in the region of £7,000 of equipment and experiences: Speaker for students and parents from Achieve.now for Dyslexia Awareness Week - Outdoor Stage for the Prep School - Themed decoration of the 4 English classrooms - West End Masterclass with Christina Modestou - Flood lights to light the Cyclorama in the Memorial Hall Theatre - Theatre standard projector in Memorial Hall Theatre - Prep School pizza oven - Education Awards to girls in the Sixth Form

Donations in 2018/2019
In the 2018/19 academic year, the Friends donated over £12,000 of equipment and experiences: Outdoor pizza oven for Senior School and boarding - TV for the Medical Centre - A profiling tool for the Careers Department - Total renovation of the Prep School pond - Fireworks for leavers ball - Speakers for various Your Daughter talks and other specialist talks - House Flags - Student Leadership Teams Workshop - Graduation Gowns for the Year 13 Leavers celebrations - Seating curtains for productions in the Memorial Hall - 2 iPad Pros for the DT Department - Swing Ball sets for the Prep School - Education Awards to girls in the Sixth Form

Donations in 2017/2018
In the 2017/18 academic year, the Friends donated over £25,000 of equipment and experiences: A donation of over £12,000 towards the Music School & Recording Studio Appeal - Curtains and lighting for productions in the Prep School hall - Sewing machines and sewing materials for the Prep School - 10 Spheros and Cubettos for the Prep School Coding Club - Fireworks for the Year 13 Leavers Ball - Modern Foreign Language DVDs, books and subscription for use in the Chapman Language Studio - Self-defense classes for Year 12 - Specialist cold-weather jackets for sports teams - Large screen TV for use in the Sixth Form Cafe - Speakers for various Your Daughter talks and other specialist talks - Zoo 3D software bundles for iPads - Education Awards to girls in the Sixth Form
Donations in 2016/2017
In the 2016/17 academic year, the Friends donated over £14,000 of equipment and experiences: A Photolithography Exposure Unit for the Art Department - A 2nd set of mobile floodlights for the PE Department - An experience with 'Operating Theatre Live' - A set of yoga mats - Specialist speakers to inspire the students - Digital cameras for the Junior School - An exciting online learning package to bring Latin to life - A visit from the Flying Theatre Company - Playground equipment for the Junior School - Performance curtains for the Junior School stage - Fireworks and entertainment for the Year 11 and 13 Celebration Events - Fun sofas and chairs for the Junior School - The licence to perform Oliver The Musical - Education Awards to girls in the Sixth Form

Donations in 2015/2016
From January 2015 to September 2016, the Friends donated well over £18,000 to a wide range of activities, projects, equipment and resources including: Piano - Mobile floodlights - 3D printer - Gloves to keep small hands warm in the Juniors’ playground - A set of French dictionaries for the Junior School - A circus workshop for the Junior girls to extend learning and skills in dance and movement - Fun games and equipment to support outdoor learning through play at the Junior School