Your daughter's wellbeing
Having a positive experience at school is not just about academic studies, your wellbeing is so important too, and that’s why we have a strong focus on keeping you well. We support each and every girl as she goes through her journey here at Royal High School.

Nurture and support
Our girls’ development is regularly monitored. All pupils have access to the Medical Centre and School nurses, along with listening and counselling services. We have our own in-house counselling service provided by Charlotte Disley, a UKCP registered psychotherapist who specialises in young people. Our wellbeing co-ordinator, Mrs Cowell along with her wellbeing dog Spitfire, are available if you need someone to talk to when counselling isn't available. Senior and Sixth Form girls also have access to a tutor who is on hand to listen and provide support and advice.

Wellbeing in the curriculum
In Senior School and Sixth Form girls are taught Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) delivered through a regular fortnightly slot, and through tutor times. In these sessions, girls have access to specialised teachers and outside speakers – recent talks have included drugs awareness, charity, finance, first aid and presentation skills, as well as regular talks from Police and health professionals. Health and Sex Education sessions are taken by our two trained School Nurses.

One-to-one time
Tutors play a critical role in the life of the school. Each girl in Senior and Sixth Form will be allocated a tutor who will support them through their time here. Tutors will move through the school with the girls to ensure they get to know each girl individually and can provide bespoke support and advice as required. Tutoring in the Sixth Form is on an individual basis with each student seeing her tutor once every two weeks. Tutorials are designed to discuss student’s work, progress and academic wellbeing, looking at study patterns and skills. Tutors will also support in the UCAS application and her wider commitments both within the School and beyond.

A sense of belonging
Your daughter will be assigned a School House when she joins the School. In Nursery and Prep, these are named after the historic locations of the Prep School in Bath, and in the Senior and Sixth Form there are four Houses called: Austen (red), Bronte (blue), Du Pre (green) and Wollstonecraft (yellow). The system aims to facilitate mixing between different year groups. This in turn increases community spirit and peer mentoring and encourages more students to get involved in competitions and develop leadership opportunities.

The Peer Education Project is an educational programme that aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health, and the mental health of their peers.
The project aims to support mental health by enabling older pupils to deliver mental health lessons to younger people, in the hope that this will encourage children to open up and have more difficult conversations in a relaxed setting.
By having students deliver sessions, instead of adults, younger children are able to relate to discussions more which helps to bring down some of the walls that they might otherwise put up.
In 2022 we held our first Peer Education Project session which proved to be very successful.

The importance of nutrition
A nutritious and balanced diet is key to performing at your very best. Our catering is provided by Holroyd Howe who specialise in freshly prepared, healthy food exclusively to independent schools. They focus on an exciting food offering that's appealing and contemporary – and they pride themselves on getting to know the girls and becoming part of the Royal High Community.
Sixth Form students also have access to their own on-site café during the day where food and snacks are served until 1.30pm. This informal space is also used for assemblies, presentation work and prep.

Part of the Royal High School community
Keeping parents fully informed about all aspects of school life is vital to ensure your daughter gets the most out of her experience at school. You will receive regular updates and information about your daughter’s progress, and weekly newsletters about the whole school community. We use Firefly to communicate messages and share news – Firefly is a learning experience platform for students to organise their day. Timetables, homework schedules and resources are all found here and parents have access to this at all time.