A farewell lunch with our French IB students

Sixth Form, Languages, International

On Friday, our outgoing IB students Berenguela, Katharina and Annabel met up for lunch with their French teachers Mesdames Daguenet, Destribats and White. 

We talked about their exciting plans for the summer and beyond over a French déjeuner délicieux at “Cote, Brasserie” in Bath, the ratatouille dish was the most selected dish on the menu followed by a scrumptious crêpe aux cerises. We said good-bye in the hall of Victoria Art Gallery to catch a glimpse of the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition.

Au revoir mais pas adieu les filles!

Come back to let us know all about your gap year, volunteering and university life.

Ne nous oubliez pas!

From Mme White, Mme Daguenet and Mme Destribats

IB French students farewell
Ne nous oubliez pas!”
Mme White, Mme Daguenet and Mme Destribats