Alumnae return for Annual Awards Presentation Assembly


Earlier this month we were delighted to welcome back Bath High School alumnae Elisabeth Geake and Helen Brunskill for our Annual Alumnae Awards Presentation Assembly.

Elisabeth and Helen are both members of the Bath High School (BHS) cohort who set up the Red Squirrel Award in memory of their classmate Sarah Williams who attended BHS from 1976 to 1982 but sadly passed away in 2015. Sarah is still greatly missed but is remembered for her humour, her determination in life, her courage and her unstinting support and loyalty, as well as her stunning flame red hair!

The Red Squirrel Award is one of four alumnae awards given as part of our Annual Alumnae Awards to promote and inspire in our students all of the wonderful attributes and characteristics that make up our alumnae community. Loyalty, Friendship and Kindness +Dedication in Approach +Academic Endeavour +Service to the School Community = RHSB Spirit!

Many congratulations to this year’s worthy winners in a competitive field!

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