Year 9 Amelie becomes author
Royal High voices, Senior School
“ During the lockdown I thought I might have a go at writing a book. And to my surprise, I actually did it, and my friends and family loved it!”Amelie (Year 9), author of Buddy: The Journey of a Lifetime
Our very own Amelie, currently in Year 9, took lockdown into her own hands and has written a book. Self-published and self-launched, Amelie created the cover artwork for her book 'Buddy: The Journey of a Lifetime' and even built her own website.
Amelie said: "For as long as I can remember I have always loved horses! All of the art for the cover, and silhouettes are digitally drawn by me."
Take a look at her fantastic achievement for yourself and order her book via her website. You can also follow Amelie's author instagram.