GS Blackburn Travel Award 2022
Sixth Form, Community

The GS Blackburn Travel Award: Helping you broaden your horizons through travel
The GS Blackburn Travel Award is named after a former Headmistress of Bath High, one of our founding schools, Gwendoline Blackburn, who was, in her day, the youngest Head ever appointed by the GDST almost exactly 80 years ago in 1942. Miss Blackburn led the school during and after World War 2 and managed the rebuilding of Hope House after it was damaged by bombs.
An outstanding teacher, Miss Blackburn also absolutely loved to travel and set up a fund to enable girls at the school to be awarded a monetary prize to help with travel plans related to their education, or a trip which involves experiences and activities which will broaden their horizons.
The award is given on Miss Blackburn’s behalf by the Alumnae Committee; members of the committee review the applications and hold interviews with selected candidates.
The award is given very two years and is open to candidates in Years 12 and 13 and to alumnae up to the age of 25. Since, however, the alumnae committee elected not to make any awards in 2021, due to travel restrictions caused by coronavirus, this year the upper age limit has been raised to 26.
The total fund for the 2022 Award will be £700 – this may be award to one individual or split between applicants if more than one outstanding application is received.
In recent years previous winners have undertaken a wide variety of trips including joining an expedition to the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Peru as a research assistant, undertaking a two week Spanish language course and cultural experience in Seville, Spain staying with a host family and participation in the Transcontinental Race, cycling 4,000km unsupported from Bulgaria to France.
For further details about how to apply please have a look at the Firefly information page for the GS Blackburn Travel Award.