
The Sound of Music review
Year 13 student Sophie Phipson reviews the Royal High School Bath’s production of The Sound of Music.

A note from the director
Leanne Vincent-Norgate our Director of The Sound of Music touches on this years' show.

Learning French through theatre
Year 6 students from the Prep School and Year 7 and 8 students from the Senior School were invited to attend a French play organised by Mr Roca.
Children's Mental Health Week
This week during Children's Mental Health Week our teachers spent time talking to girls across the school about the importance of mental wellbeing.

The Sound of Music opening night
Tonight marks the opening night of the Royal High School Bath production of The Sound of Music.

Prep French celebration
Another French celebration happened at the Prep school this month with years 3, 4 and 6 learning about La Chandeleur.

Daisy John: winning the Friends Award
Daisy John, Year 13, explains how winning the Friends of Royal High School Bath Education Award helped her to achieve one of her ambitions.

A celebration of Hadrian's Wall 1900
The Royal High Classics Department launched a year-long celebration marking the building of Hadrian’s Wall 1,900 years ago.

Young Musician of the Year 2022 - winners crowned
Following an entire day of vocal and musical performance by more than 100 of our musicians - last night saw the Young Musician of the Year finalists perform, and the winners were presented with their awards.