
Abseil Adventures for Bristol Hospital
Izzy's dizzying fundraiser makes £600 for Southmead Hospital

Raise Her Up: GDST podcast series
This new GDST podcast series picks up where last academic year’s GDST Talks programme left off.

The House of Bernarda Alba
With two casts, this three act tragedy, first published in 1936 was performed by Sixth Form students who were quite simply astounding in this captivating and compelling performance.

Joanna MacGregor masterclass
This week we celebrated our All-Steinway School status with a special visit to the Music School by world renowned pianist, and GDST alumnae Joanna MacGregor CBE.

Cross Country success at ESAA
Senior student wins ESAA Cross Country with RHSB team coming second overall in category.

'Psychology: The Future' Conference
Oxford High School hosted “Psychology: The Future” a conference which was open to all GDST psychology A Level students as a way of furthering knowledge about the subject.
Teambuilding at Kilve Court
Year 7 residential trip provided new experiences, new opportunities, and new friends.

Scholars' Music Recital
Live music performance returned to the Music School with our Scholars' recital.

Young Actor of the Year - drama competition
This year's Young Actor of the Year competition saw talented Prep School pupils join Senior students for this showcase competition.