Reading Week 2022
Senior School

From 17 - 21 January we will be holding a reading week at Royal High School Bath, during which we will be celebrating and encouraging reading throughout the week both in lessons and with supporting events.
Reading Week is a time which allows students to celebrate the importance of reading and the benefits it can have, not only from an academic research and improvement standpoint, but also for keeping informed about the world around us and for pleasure or wellbeing.
Here are the things we've got coming up this week:
- Wednesday 19 January - LitLunch
LitLunch is described by Mr Evans as a "literary oasis in the middle of the day, a break from lessons and learning as such". The idea is to introduce the students to a variety of writers, authors and poets, from different historical eras.
During Reading Week Mr Evans will be reading poetry from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, from the Romanic era, briefly touching on the history of the author before reading some of his work.
- Thursday 20 January - author talk with Vee Kativhu, author of Empowered.
- Friday 21 January - Charity Book Fayre, raising money for the Keo Ropov Village School, Cambodia