Sixth formers take to the trading floor

Sixth Form, Senior School

Amplify Me simulation

We recently held our Biennial Sixth Form Careers Conference. Thanks to funding help from the Friends of RHSB, we spent the afternoon in a fast-paced trading floor simulation. This was hosted by AmplifyMe, a company who run finance training for major UK and European universities as well as some top-tier banks, such as Morgan Stanley, who use it as part of their recruitment process for graduate roles..

The girls experienced what it is like to be both a 'buy side' fund manager as well as a 'sell side' investment banker. The room was buzzing as girls grappled with handling multiple screens sending them information at a fast pace. This type of competency-based simulation is considered to be the ‘future of hiring’ for graduate level roles in many industries, not just Finance.

It was a great success judging by the comments from some of the students who took part:

It was so much better than your average careers talk, because it was interactive.”
When we first started, I was quite overwhelmed by the amount of information on the screen, but after help from the Amplify staff, I started to understand it and I did really well in the second simulation. I had never considered careers like this before.”
Even though I don't want to work in Finance, it was still great to find out more about how investment actually works.”
Amplify Me