A note from the director
Expert voices, Senior School, Performing Arts
A Note from the Director
When I first suggested ‘The Sound of Music’ as an option for the musical this year, I welcomed the return comment of “That’s a big one’’ with a wry smile and a silent nod. That is of course, because it is!
However, I believe the best way I can encourage the students of RHSB to be fearless is to take them with me when I’m faced with a challenge. By being a member of ‘The Sound of Music’ family over the last five months this wonderful cast, crew and orchestra will have enhanced every single one of our six learner qualities. Theatre demands them of you, it encourages them within you, challenges you and rewards you for them. Everyone who auditioned for the musical has been found a place and everyone who wanted to help us has been given a job. Theatre thrives and holds magic because it is a home to so many, the more eclectic the bunch – the better!
The story of ‘The Sound of Music’ may be set in our history but the message of love, family, and hope are as relevant today as they were to those facing the rise of The Third Reich. In rehearsals we have discussed the historical context and truth behind ‘The Von Trapp Family Singers’, the atrocities of Kristallnacht, the desperation of Kindertransport and the bravery of those who hid and helped persecuted families following the Anschluss. Max’s words to Captain Von Trapp, “What’s going to happen is going to happen. Just be sure it doesn’t happen to you”, are a stark reminder in the danger of passive action and when the Von Trapp family leave us to go over the mountains, they are symbolic of all other families currently facing persecution or oppression. They are a reminder that history is still being written and that we can determine what it will say about us. They are hope.
A production of this size cannot happen without a wealth of support of our own RHSB family, and we are extremely lucky to have them around us. Thank you to Ellie, Francesca, and the Friends for supporting us during the interval, serving refreshments and looking after our audience. Perry Harris our wonderful Estates team member who has created the view of Austria on the backdrop and gives our performance a beautiful home. The musical score (particularly the Latin) has meant that we have once again called on Nicola Pocock as an extra pair of conducting hands, rehearsing with the cast around the schedule to ensure we were ready for opening night.
During the interval we will be inviting you to enjoy a drink and some nibbles, and we are extremely grateful to Lu Scott and the Friends for being with us at each show to serve the refreshments. The Estates team have been so gracious with their time and energy to assist us in moving instruments, materials, and countless staging structures (even when I counted the number incorrectly). Parents, big sisters, aunties - each and every person who has run lines, made packed lunches, sent in biscuits, listened to endless musical numbers sung in the car and been a taxi service for extra trips to school for weekend and evening rehearsals, we are so grateful for your support, encouragement and patience in ensuring the girls are ready for their show.
Thank you to our Theatre Technician, Lizzie Lee, who joined us just five weeks before opening night and has already had a huge impact on the production and our department, Kathryn Titcomb for hours of rehearsal time spent deconstructing the score for me and giving the students the confidence to act through their songs, Emily Harris for lending an ear and keeping a positive vibe in the office, and Justine Phillips for managing sewing club and overseeing the finer details of our costumes.
And of course, our wonderful cast, orchestra, and crew, over 120 students in total. I hope you are extremely proud of what you have helped create, the performance is more magical because of you and your input.
This performance belongs to you all.
Theatre thrives on community and gives us so much more than a performance, theatre unites people who might never have had any other reason to meet, it encourages self-expression, builds connections, nurtures confidence and leadership, explores creativity, brings tears, and causes laughter.
“ By being a member of ‘The Sound of Music’ family over the last five months this wonderful cast, crew and orchestra will have enhanced every single one of our six learner qualities. Theatre demands them of you, it encourages them within you, challenges you and rewards you for them.”Leanne Vincent-Norgate, Acting Head of Drama