The voice of a generation
Sixth Form, Senior School, Student Voice
Student representatives from all the secondary schools in Bath met for a third time at the Royal High School Bath on Monday 15 November. The groups aim is to act as a steering group to create a democratically elected student body to discuss issues relevant to young people throughout Bath. The lively discussions were enjoyed by all and it was wonderful to see articulate and thoughtful voices come together in this way.
The outcome of the meeting was an agreement to hold Bath-wide democratic elections in the Spring term for a new body to be launched. The students debated voting systems, manifesto expectations, hustings and how to connect to existing student voice forums in each of the individual schools. They agreed that each secondary school in Bath will hold its own an election and elect two youth ‘MPs’. Candidates will be drawn from Years 10-13 and will serve a one year term in office.
Student Voice prefects from Royal High School, Sophie Phipson and Eliana Woosnam, will now take the lead in organising the School's elections next year.