Weekend activities in boarding
Senior School
This weekend was very busy in boarding with lots of activities on offer despite the bad weather. The boarders took part in a wide range of activities including crafts, baking, exercise and film evenings.
Film Evening
This weekend the Year 9, 10s and 11s watched ‘The Help’. The film is about Black women in the 1960’s who break the rules. It made me realise that less than one hundred years ago people can be so cruel and unfair, but this movie explains it really well and shows not all people were horrible.
Isabel, Year 9

Tie-dye Bags
On Sunday, we made tie-dye t-shirts with Miss NJ, it was a lot of fun! We folded the bag into random shapes and tied them with ropes and rubber bands. We then used different coloured dye to make our design. All of our bags looked really good and we really enjoyed it!Sofia, Year 7

Chocolate Lollipop Making
On Saturday the Year 8s made chocolate lollipops with Miss Standerline. We melted white and milk chocolate to make the main lolly. We then had sprinkles and glitter to decorate. First, we got our chocolate and spooned it midway onto the lolly stick. Then spread it out and decorated them. I really enjoyed it (they also tasted really good). Thank you, Miss S!Miya, Year 8

Jumpfit for Year 9
Jumpfit was a very fun and energising activity. I enjoyed it very much and it was my first time trying this! We had to wear these weird shoes that make you look really tall and they reminded me a lot of pogo sticks. We were learning small dance routines while music was being played on a speaker. It was super fun and amazing. Jumpfit was super cool!!Shilja, Year 9

Jumpfit for Year 10
Today the Year 10s took part in Jumpfit, the shoes were really bouncy as they had rubber blades on the bottom which made it really easy to jump around. The songs the instructor played were fun for us to exercise too. The boots did rub on my ankles but apart from that, it was very fun and also tiring at the same time. I would really like to do this activity again. Kitty, Year 10