Year 5 learn about food sustainability

Nursery and Prep School

Year 5 enjoyed a fascinating trip to Sparks in Bristol just before the holidays. Sparks (situated in the old Marks and Spencers building) is a department store and centre of education dedicated to sustainability.

The focus of our trip was how to eat more sustainably and we explored the carbon footprint of different parts of food production and learnt which foods are worse for the planet. For example, did you know that the emissions involved in eating a small portion of steak equate to driving for 29 miles in a petrol car?! We also learnt that insects are being grown for food production and are a much greener way to get protein into our diets, although most of us needed a lot more convincing to ditch a beef burger for one made of crickets!

It was a very informative trip and the children really enjoyed it.

Food visit