
Year 6 GDST Science Conference
Nursery and Prep School, Girls in STEM

A Science-filled Day for some Year 6 Science Lovers

Some of our Year 6 girls travelled to the Royal Institution in London to take part in the annual GDST Science Conference as part of British Science Week.

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Music Scholars visit Steinway Hall

Music Scholars enjoyed a visit to Steinway Hall in London followed by a masterclass with esteemed concert pianist Charles Owen.

Rising Stars Competition
Senior School, Music

Royal High School Bath’s Rising Stars Young Pianist Competition

Eight gifted and talented young pianists, aged between 9 and 15, from schools in and around Bath took part in the Rising Stars Young Pianist competition which was held at the Royal High School Bath’s Steinway Music School. 14-year old Yik Fei Elfriede Wong from Kingswood School has been announced as the winner.

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Sixth Form

Sixth Form enjoy inspirational career talk

Our Sixth Form students enjoyed listening to an inspirational talk by Reverend Catherine Bond as part of our series to mark Careers Week.

Natalie Haynes Bath Festival
Expert voices, Senior School, Community

RHSB Sponsoring Natalie Haynes in a unique event at The Bath Festival on 19 May 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with The Bath Festivals who have just revealed their amazing programme running from 12 - 21 May with over 130 events across over 50 different distinctive Bath buildings and spaces.

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Senior School

Writing success for Year 11 student

Congratulations to Year 11 student, Jess, who has recently had an article published on a local website.


Liv becomes Year 9 National Indoor Rowing Champion

Congratulations to Liv who won the Year 9 National Indoor Rowing Champion category.

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Nursery and Prep School

Celebrating International Women's Day

To celebrate International Women's Day the Prep School are focused on the stories of women that we know - our teachers at school, and the women in our wider school community.

Montecute House

Year 4 visit Montacute House

Year 4 visit Montacute House to enhance learning on The Tudors.